Aims and scope

Journal of Thermal Science publishes high-quality articles on experimental, numerical and theoretical investigations related to the development, advancement, and improved understanding of energy, power and environment sciences. It publishes contributions on topics covering (not limited to): Basic and Applied Thermodynamics; Fluid Mechanics; Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows; Sustainability of Energy Systems; Energy Conservation; Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation; Renewable Energy; Nuclear Energy; Heat and Mass Transfer; Combustion and Reaction; Building, Urban and Distributed Energy Systems; Cooling and refrigeration, Heat Pump; Operation, Diagnostics and Control of Energy Systems; Transport Energy and Emissions; Energy Storage and Distribution and so on.

The journal also includes technical papers concerning the application of fundamental knowledge to industrial processes and equipment, such as energy conversion and conservation, turbomachinery, heat transfer equipment, furnaces and boilers.

Journal of Thermal Science incorporates review articles, technical notes, short communications and discussions on previously published papers. Technical notes provide an opportunity to rapidly disseminate research results that are of timely interest to the thermal and fluid sciences community.

Pubdate: 2023-05-31    Viewed: 1217