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  • Journal of Thermal Science. 0, (): 634-649.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 0, (): 650-662.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 0, (): 663-677.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 0, (): 590-605.
    本研究提出了一种以地质聚合物为粘结剂,林业废弃物为填料的生物质复合保温材料,并对其制备过程和性能进行了实验研究。首先,采用正交试验法分析了制备地质聚合物的最佳理论氧化物摩尔比及混合水与粘结剂(mw2:mB)质量比。其次,通过实验研究了生物质复合保温材料的养护方法(包括一段和两段养护方法)和质量比mw2:mB对材料力学性能、热工性能和水力性能的影响。结果表明,制备无机地质聚合物的最佳组合方案为摩尔比χSiO2:χNa2O =3.3, χSiO2:χAl2O3=3.2,及质量比mw2:mB=0.5,其能达到的最高抗压强度为34.21 MPa;生物质复合保温材料的最佳养护条件为两段养护法,养护温度可为85℃和70℃,其热导系数分别为0.123 W/(m•K)和0.125 W/(m•K),抗压强度为1.70 MPa和1.71 MPa;生物质保温材料的最佳质量比mw2:mB为0.5~0.55,其导热系数为0.114~0.125 W/(m•K)。本文所研究的新型复合保温材料具有优异的物理性能,有助于实现建筑节能。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(6): 2241-2253.
    To design a particle solar receiver (PSR), a vital energy conversion system, is still a bottleneck for researchers. This study presents a novel PSR based on countercurrent fluidized bed (CCFB) technology, named CCFB receiver. In this design, downward-moving particles are subjected to the action of an up-flow gas to reduce the falling speed and enhance the radial disturbance, and hence increase the residence time of particles and improve the heat transfer. A cold-mold visual experimental setup is established. The influence factors are investigated experimentally, including the superficial gas velocity, solid flux, aeration gas, particle size and transport tube diameter. The results indicate that the maximum solid holdup can exceed 9% or so with fine particles of diameter d(p) = 113.5 mu m and a tube diameter of 40 mm. It is proved that the CCFB can operate stably and adjust the solid flux rapidly. The results of this study provide a new structure for PSRs in the concentrated solar power field and could fill the research insufficiency in the gas-solid counterflow field.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(6): 2254-2266.
    本文提出了一种结合百叶窗和地下室的新型特朗伯墙系统,并对四种类型房间的集热性能进行了现场测试。实验组分别为:(ⅰ)无特朗伯墙(对照组)房间,(ⅱ)传统特朗伯墙(TW) 房间,(ⅲ)带百叶窗的特朗伯墙(TW+VB)房间,和(ⅳ)带有百叶窗和地下室的新型特朗伯墙系统(TW+VB+B)房间。本研究的目的是:(ⅰ)评估TW+VB+B系统在不同工况下的集热性能。 (ⅱ)确认采暖期内该系统百叶窗的最佳角度。试验结果表明,TW+VB+B系统有效地减少了日落后室内温度的波动。在白天,该系统的测试房间的平均空气温度比对照组高13.6℃,出风口平均温度比TW+VB系统高4.9℃,预测平均投票数(PMV)比对照组高1.02。当百叶窗角度设置为45°时,热效率保持在40-65%。不仅减少了室内温度波动,还提高了冬季集热效率。因此,该被动式节能技术的应用,能够减少建筑供暖能耗和污染物排放量,为提高严寒村镇地区带有特朗伯墙农房的集热性能提供了有价值的建议。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1469-1490.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1503-1512.
    太阳能蓄能对可再生能源的持续利用至关重要。其中,蓄能容量大、热损失低、环境友好以及可长期储存是太阳能持续利用的关键。传统蓄热方式即使在良好保温条件下也会因为热损失难以长期储存。本文提出了一种基于膜浓缩的溶液梯度蓄能方法,在良好的太阳辐射条件下,除湿剂溶液逐渐浓缩并作为浓度梯度能而长期储存。首先,在2018年5月至9月期间,持续测量了不同气候条件下西安地区的太阳能热水的温度,在40℃~90℃之间。其次,分别在42℃~63℃的温度范围内,将50%的LiBr溶液、35%的LiCl溶液和40%的CaCl2进行了膜浓缩实验。结果表明,膜两侧的水蒸气压差是影响膜传质的决定性因素。溶液的储能密度随溶液温度和膜面积的增大而提高。因此,当LiBr、LiCl和CaCl2溶液分别从50%到55%、35%到40%和40%到45%时,溶液梯度储能密度分别为245 kJ/kg、350 kJ/kg和306 kJ/kg,相当于冰蓄能的蓄能容量。同时,由于溶液和空气是两个独立的封闭循环,溶液不会对空气形成污染,溶液的浓度梯度储能无需任何保温措施,可长期环保储存。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1513-1525.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1526-1540.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1541-1547.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1548-1558.
    太阳能驱动的膜反应器环己烷脱氢可以直接从环己烷生产纯净的氢气和苯,并将低品位的太阳热能存储为高品位的化学能。本文通过数值模拟分析了气体分压,环己烷转化率和反应器能效的变化规律,研究了在四个温度(200℃,250℃,300℃和350℃)和四个分离压力(0.050 MPa,0.025 MPa,0.010 MPa和0.001 MPa)下环己烷的脱氢过程。由于反应平衡随着氢气分离向正向移动,本研究可以在中低温实现环己烷的完全转化(>99.9%)。系统热力学第一定律效率,太阳能制燃料效率以及㶲效率可分别高达94.69%,46.93%和93.08%。该研究表明,将中低温太阳能集热技术与膜反应器集成的环己烷脱氢系统具有可行性,同时本研究为太阳能储能未来发展提供了新思路。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1572-1580.
    本文理论研究了R1233zd(E) 和R1336mzz(Z)应用于太阳能驱动的喷射-压缩复合制冷循环系统的引射系数,泵功,换热器热负荷。通过与当前广泛应用的R245fa对比,评估了该两种新型工质的应用前景。结果表明,当系统采用R1233zd(E) 和R1336mzz(Z)作为工质时, 系统具有较高的引射系数和较低的泵功。R1233zd(E) 和R1336mzz(Z)系统的泵功可比245fa系统低14.59%和38.05%。同时,R1233zd(E) 系统具有最高的COPthermal,其后为R245fa和R1336mzz(Z)。R1233zd(E)系统和R1336mzz(Z)系统,R1233zd(E)系统和R245fa系统的差别分别为4.33%和2.0%。本文期待能够成为评估R1233zd(E) 和R1336mzz(Z)系统的重要参考。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1596-1606.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1607-1613.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1614-1624.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1625-1642.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1643-1657.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1780-1788.
    面对全球变暖的趋势,人类越来越重视碳的捕集、利用和封存。化石燃料燃烧以及一些特殊工业过程(如水泥厂的碳酸钙分解)会排放大量CO2。水泥行业的CO2排放量占全球CO2排放总量的7%,水泥窑尾烟气中CO2的浓度甚至超过30%。离子液体被认为是一种有效、潜在的CO2捕集材料。为了研究离子液体对水泥窑尾烟气中CO2的吸收性能,建立了离子液体吸收CO2实验系统,并分别使用纯CO2和模拟烟气研究了离子液体[APMIm][NTf2](1-氨丙基-3-甲基咪唑双三氟甲烷磺酰亚胺盐)对CO2的吸收性能。结果表明,在离子液体吸收CO2过程中,物理吸收和化学吸收同时存在,其中物理吸收占主导地位。离子液体的吸收能力和吸收速率随工作温度的升高而下降。在采用纯CO2的系列实验中,工作温度为30℃时,离子液体对CO2的吸收量为0.296 molCO2∙molIL-1,在70℃时吸收量为0.067 molCO2∙molIL-1。同时,离子液体可以再生回收,且吸收量没有明显变化。当离子液体用于吸收水泥窑尾烟气时,其吸收量和吸收速率明显下降。30℃时,离子液体对水泥窑尾烟气中CO2的吸收量仅为0.038 molCO2∙molIL-1,是对纯CO2吸收量的12.8%。此外,观察到CO2会从离子液体中自然解吸,在一定程度上对实验结果中的吸收量和吸收—解吸速率产生一定影响。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(6): 1410-1430.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1097-1124.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1125-1134.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1149-1164.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1180-1192.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1309-1321.
    Heat transfer in a finned absorber of a parabolic trough collector was studied numerically. The main aim of this work was to study the effect of attached fins on the enhancement of the thermal performance of a parabolic trough collector. The values of the fin’s length varied from 0 to 20 mm; their thicknesses varied from 0 to 8 mm and their number was 5. The parameters used in the current study are: the thermal and dynamic field, friction coefficient, Nusselt number, the thermal efficiency and thermal enhancement index. Obtained results show that inclusion of fins to the lower half of the absorber tube can enhance the heat transfer between the absorber tube and working fluid. The increase of the fin’s length increases the friction factor, Nusselt number and thermal efficiency, and the increase of fin’s thickness also increases the previous parameters. Starting the value 6 mm of thickness, its effect remains the same, but thickness is less effective than length. The values 15 mm of length and 6 mm of thickness are selected as optimal values. Results show that the inclusion of the fins enhances the thermal performance of the parabolic collector by 8.45%.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1322-1332.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(3): 513-534.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1101-1114.
    As an important building type to diminish energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the construction industry, nearly zero energy building (nZEB) has attracted much attention from many scholars, with volumes of research findings published. However, quantitative and systematic reviews on those findings are rarely conducted by researchers. Therefore, a visualized presentation regarding the advancement of nZEB research was made in this study by applying the scientometric method of co-citation analysis to 704 publications retrieved from the Web of Science database from 2006 to 2018. Here, the key conclusions drawn after the research are as follows: (1) Italy, the USA and Spain are the top three nations by the number of nZEB publications; (2) Energy and Buildings, Applied Energy and Energy are the journals with the highest number of published nZEB articles; (3) Politecnico di Milano, Aalto University and Politecnico di Torino are the most influential core organizations in the field of nZEB; (4) Professor Kurnitski J, Professor Corgnati SP and Professor D'Agostino D are the leading nZEB experts; (5) “cost optimal”, “life cycle assessment”, “technical system”, “design” and “indoor environment quality” are the major research directions in the field of nZEB; (6) A multi-stage optimization method for cost-optimal and nearly zero-energy building solutions in line with the EPBD 2010, co-authored by Hamdy M, is the most cited nZEB reference; (7) “residential building”, “building energy saving technology”, “simulation method” and “thermal comfort”, etc. are the hot topics in nZEB research at present and in the future. This research is designed to provide valuable information for scholars interested in the field of nZEB.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1103-1103.
    With the development of society and the improvement of people’s living standards, the thermal comfort requirement of indoor environment is increasing, which leads to more and more energy consumption. It is essential to scientifically develop, strategically promote and practically implement building energy saving techniques.Generally speaking, there are four basic approaches for building energy saving, namely, optimizing building design (e.g. Improving the insulation of the enclosure, optimizing building form); applying building equipment with high energy efficiency (e.g. high energy efficiency air conditioner, energy saving lamps); advanced building energy supply system (e.g. distributed energy system, the application of renewable energy); and optimizing equipment operation and control.With the support from authors and reviewers, 13 original research papers and one review paper have been accepted in this special issue. In this special issue, the 13 papers cover the first three pathway described above, besides, there are several studies on energy saving evaluation tools or models, e.g. “A quantitative process-based inventory study on material embodied carbon emissions of residential, office, and commercial buildings in China”, “Development and application of evaluation index system and model for existing building green-retrofitting”.The topics of the Special Issue on the Building Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Integration are related to a wider coverage of innovative research and studies on the building energy saving techniques. We believe the current Special Issue of Journal of Thermal Science will be of interest and relevance to a broad scope of the scientific community. Moreover, we hope this Special Issue can attract more attention to the topic of building energy conservation and renewable energy integration.Finally, it is a pleasure that we were given the opportunity to edit this Special Issue. We would like to thank all the contributors of this Special Issue for their support and cooperation. We also thank all the reviewers for their critical comments to ensure the academic quality of this Special Issue.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1115-1128.
    It has been a focus to reduce the energy consumption and improve the space heating performance of high-altitude buildings in winter seasons. In view of the abundant solar energy resources of the high-altitude region, the establishment of passive solar houses should be an effective strategy to deal with the problem of thermal comfort. Both window to wall ratio (WWR) and sunspace depth are of vital importance to determine the thermal comfort level of passive solar houses, while there are limited studies on analyzing their impacts on passive solar houses in high-altitude regions. Therefore, this study is designed to examine how WWR and sunspace depth affect space heating of passive solar houses in the Qinghai-Tibetan region. To be specific, the hourly radiation temperature variations and percentages of dissatisfaction of the residential building with different sunspace depth/WWR (including 0.9m/33%, 0.9m/45%, 0.9m/60%, 1.2m/33% and 1.5m/33%) were quantitatively examined. Results indicated that under the condition of 0.9m/45%, the overall average radiation temperature of the building was approximately 16°C during the entire heating season, which could better satisfy the heating requirements. Meanwhile, the average temperature was higher, and the thermal comfort level was better under the ratio of 45% or the depth of 1.5 m, when only an individual factor in either ratio or depth was considered. These findings can provide references for the determination of dimensions of passive solar houses in high-altitude regions. 青海高寒地区建筑采暖周期较长,采暖能耗所占比例较大,降低传统石化能源燃烧,有效改善室内热环境一直是人们关注的焦点。青海地区太阳能资源丰富,绝大部分处于一类区,被动式太阳能房是解决上述问题有效途径。本文通过IESVE软件,对青海贵德一所被动式太阳能房进行深入优化设计研究,具体分析了不同尺度的阳光间进深和窗墙比 (0.9m/33%、0.9m/45%、0.9m/60%、1.2m/33%和1.5m/33%),对室内逐时辐射温度和不满意率的定量影响。结果表明:窗-墙比和阳光间进深对太阳能房的热舒适性水平有重要影响;进深为0.9m,且WWR为45%条件下,建筑物在整个供暖季节的室内平均辐射温度大约为16°C,可以很好地满足室内采暖热需求。本文为青海高寒地区被动式太阳能房优化设计提供了科学参考,相关研究成果纳入了《青海省被动式太阳能采暖工程技术规程》。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1129-1140.
    As the variation and timely meeting thermal environment requirement of indoor air temperature has a close relationship with the thermal performance of building external wall under discontinuous radiant heating condition, one appropriate assessment method or index for assessing the building external wall thermal performance is very necessary. In order to reasonably evaluate the thermal performance of external wall under discontinuous radiant heating condition and build the direct connections and interactions among the indoor air temperature, external wall inner surface temperature and outdoor air temperature, the first and second impact factors of temperature deviation were established, based on one mathematical model of room heat transfer. For one experimental room and four types of external walls under discontinuous radiant heating condition, both the influence of the external wall inner surface temperature deviation on the indoor air temperature and that of the outdoor air temperature deviation on the external wall inner surface temperature were determined effectively with the first and second impact factors of temperature deviation. In addition, favourable performance for the self-insulation and inner insulation walls were found, due to their superiority in effectively and timely improving the indoor thermal environment under discontinuous radiant heating condition. 在非连续辐射供暖条件下,室内空气温度的变化与及时响应热环境要求程度问题都与建筑外墙热工性能有密切关系,因此需要一种合理评价建筑外墙热工性能的方法或指标。为了合理评价在非连续辐射供暖条件下建筑外墙的热工性能以及建立室内空气温度、外墙内表面温度、室外空气温度之间的直接联系和相互影响作用,本研究基于房间传热数学模型提出了温度偏离第一和第二影响因子。其次,针对实验房间以及非连续辐射供暖条件下的四种外墙构造形式,采用温度偏离第一和第二影响因子研究分析确定了外墙内表面温度偏离对室内空气温度的影响以及室外空气温度偏离对外墙内表面温度的影响。此外,研究发现自保温和内保温在非连续辐射供暖条件下具有很好的性能,这归因于其能够对室内热环境的有效及时改善。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1141-1149.
    Trombe wall is a passive building energy saving technology that uses solar energy to reduce buildings’ heating load and adjust indoor thermal environment. In recent years, much research has been done to increase the thermal efficiency of Trombe wall, but little is focused on the evaluation of Trombe wall from energy, economic and environmental aspects comprehensively. Based on the thermal performance calculation method in ISO 52016-2:2017(E), the authors proposed a concise method to evaluate the energy, economic and environmental performance of ventilated and non-ventilated Trombe walls during a heating season. Firstly, non-iteration calculation methods were introduced for the energy evaluation of Trombe wall and conventional wall during the heating season. Then the economic and environmental evaluation models were brought out according to the energy performance of Trombe wall. After that, a residential building was presented as the case building to evaluate Trombe walls’ performance in five building climate zones of China. The calculation results showed that both heating degree days and solar radiation had significant impact on the energy saving effect of Trombe walls. In comparison with non-ventilated Trombe walls, ventilated ones displayed more obvious energy saving potential in all five climate regions, which can provide averagely 62% more heating for the room in the case study. Though the heating degree days of Guangzhou (hot-summer and warm-winter zone) was the smallest in the five zones, ventilated Trombe wall in the zone had the poorest economic performance due to the scarcest solar radiation during the heating season. 特朗勃墙是一种利用太阳能降低建筑能耗和改善室内热舒适的被动式节能技术。近年来的研究多集中于提升特朗勃墙的热性能方面,但对特朗勃墙能量、经济和环境综合评估的研究较少。作者基于ISO 52016-2:2017(E)中的关于特朗勃墙热性能的计算方法,提出了一种评估通风和非通风特朗勃墙在供暖季下能量、经济和环境方面综合表现的简单方法。首先,本文介绍了一种评估特朗勃墙和普通外墙能量表现的非迭代方法,随后根据特朗勃墙的能量表现对其进行经济性评估和环境效益评估,最后研究了处于中国不同气候区的居住建筑特朗勃墙的综合性能。结果显示,供暖度日数和太阳辐射强度对特朗勃墙的节能效果具有重要影响,相比于非通风特朗勃墙,通风特朗勃墙在所有工况下可平均多提供62%的热量,具有更好的节能表现。尽管处于夏热冬暖的广州地区的度日数是五个气候区中最小的,但是由于该地区供暖季的太阳辐射强度较差,广州地区的特朗勃墙的经济效益也较差。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1150-1163.
    Aiming at the serious heat and cold loss of the building glass curtain wall in the field of amusement and tourism, and the need to meet the landscape requirements of the building facade, this paper put forward the idea of integrating the shading and consumption reduction of glass curtain wall with the landscape requirements, that is, the water curtain was set outside the glass curtain wall to form a landscape energy-saving integrated water curtain wall system, while meeting the needs of landscape and shading. By establishing the numerical calculation model of the system, the corresponding relationship between the thickness of water film and the weakening of solar radiation intensity was revealed, as well as the influence of wind speed and wind direction on the nozzle exit angle and velocity selection; and the synergistic law of air flow rate and air temperature drop amplitude. The results showed that the water film thickness at 3‒4 cm can reduce the solar radiation by 65%‒80%. The temperature of the air layer between the water film and the curtain wall decreased as the air flow rate decreased, when the thickness of water film was 2 cm and the air velocity was 0.5‒1.5 m/s, the air temperature dropped to 2.47‒3.6°C. Finally, through the analysis of the actual project—ICE World & WATER Park, the system can reduce 66.8% of solar radiation, and reduce the air layer temperature by 3.9°C. 针对游乐与旅游领域建筑玻璃幕墙外围护结构冷热损失严重,以及该类建筑外立面需满足景观要求问题,提出将玻璃幕墙遮阳降耗与景观需求一体化考虑理念,即在玻璃幕墙外设置水幕,构成景观节能一体化水幕墙系统,同时满足景观与遮阳需求。通过建立该系统数值计算模型,揭示了水膜厚度与太阳辐射强度削弱的对应关系;风速及风向对喷嘴出口角度及速度选取的影响特性;以及空气流速与空气温降幅度的协同规律。研究结果表明,水膜厚度在0.03~0.04 m时能减少65~80 %的太阳辐射;水膜与幕墙间空气层温度随空气流速降低而降低,水膜厚度为0.02 m,空气流速为0.5~1.5 m/s时,空气温降为2.47~3.6 ℃。最后以实际工程––湘江欢乐城冰雪世界进行案例分析,该系统可以实现减弱66.8 %的太阳辐射量,使空气层温度降低3.9 ℃。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1164-1175.
    The Yangtze River Basin in China is characterised by hot- and cold-humid climates in summer and winter, respectively. Thus, increased demand for heating and cooling energy according to the season, as well as poor indoor thermal comfort, are inevitable. To overcome this problem, this study focused on the influence of passive design and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment performance on the energy performance of residential buildings, and explored potential energy-saving technology paths involving passive design and improved coefficient of performance through a multi-objective and multi-parameter optimisation technique. A large-scale questionnaire survey covering a typical city was first conducted to identify family lifestyle patterns regarding time spent at home, family type, air conditioner use habits, indoor thermal comfort, etc. Then, the actual heating and cooling energy consumption and information of model building were determined for this region. Subsequently, the design parameters of an individual building were simulated using Energyplus to investigate the cooling and heating energy consumption for a typical residential building with an air conditioner. The results indicated an improvement of approximately 30% in energy efficiency through optimisation of the external-wall insulation thickness and the external-window and shading performance, and through use of appropriate ventilation technology. Thus, a multi-objective and multi-parameter optimisation model was developed to achieve comprehensive optimisation of several design parameters. Experimental results showed that comprehensive optimisation could not only reduce cooling and heating energy consumption, but also improve the thermal comfort level achieved with a non-artificial cooling and heating source. Finally, three energy-saving technology paths were formulated to achieve a balance between indoor thermal comfort improvement and the target energy efficiency (20 kWh/(m2a)). The findings of this study have implications for the future design of buildings in the Yangtze River Basin, and for modification of existing buildings for improved energy efficiency. 中国长江流域地区具有夏季高温,冬季寒冷潮湿的气候特点。因此,不可避免的造成采暖空调能耗的增加以及室内热舒适差。为了解决这个问题,本研究注重研究被动式设计、采暖通风以及空调设备性能对于居住建筑能耗的影响,从而探索一个结合被动式设计和设备性能提升的潜在的节能技术路径。首先对典型城市进行了大规模的问卷调查,以确定家庭生活方式模式,包括家庭时间、家庭类型、空调使用习惯、室内热舒适度等。然后,确定该区域的实际采暖供冷能耗和建模信息。随后,利用这些参数使用EnergyPlus模拟一个典型的分体式空调住宅建筑的采暖空调能耗。结果表明,通过优化外墙保温层厚度、外窗和遮阳性能,并采用适当的通风技术,能效提高约30%。为此,建立了多目标多参数优化模型,实现了多个设计参数的综合优化。试验结果表明,综合优化不仅可以降低制冷和加热能耗,而且可以提高非人工冷热源所达到的热舒适水平。最后,制定了三条节能技术路线,使室内热舒适性改善与目标能效(20度电)达到平衡。研究结果对长江流域未来建筑物的设计及现有建筑物的改造具有参考价值。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1176-1185.
    The volumetric receiver has received wide attention due to its high thermal efficiency. This paper studied a new type of a solid-liquid composite volumetric receiver. The heat transfer in a solid-liquid composite volumetric solar receiver was analyzed using a one-dimensional unsteady simulation model of the solid-liquid receiver. The model included absorption of the incident solar radiation by the glass window, the silicon carbide porous ceramic heat absorber panel and the water. The results were verified against experimental data for a volumetric receiver and the error did not exceed 10%. It can be used to predict the heat transfer in solid-liquid composite volumetric receivers. 对固液复合式容积式吸热器传热过程展开分析,建立了固液复合式容积式吸热器一维非稳态仿真模型。仿真模型中分别考虑了容积式吸热器采光窗、碳化硅多孔陶瓷吸热板和传热流体对入射太阳辐射的吸收作用。该模型仿真结果得到容积式吸热器实验平台的实测验证,可用于固液复合式容积式吸热器的动态性能预测。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1186-1194.
    Photovoltaic (PV) power generation technology is the main renewable energy utilization technology. However, dust deposition severely affects the PV power generation efficiency and decreases the production capacity of PV power plants. In this study, the factors affecting PV technology were divided into the following three types: occlusion, corrosion, and temperature rise. A dust-collecting PV model considering dust deposition and rainfall scouring was established; a PV performance index was proposed. By conducting experiments with different dust mass densities, it was found that the short-circuit current (SCC), open-circuit voltage (OCV), and PV output power of PV decreased with the increase in dust mass density. In the initial stage of dust deposition, dust exhibited the greatest effect on the performance of PV. In the later stage of dust deposition, the effect of dust deposition became stable. The initial 10 g/m2 dust decreased the PV output power by 34%. In addition, the conversion efficiency and fill factor (FF) decreased with the increase in dust mass density; both of them were exponential functions. When the dust mass density was low (less than 30 g/m2), the dust mass density increased by 10 g/m2, and the conversion efficiency decreased by an average of 3.4%. Finally, by conducting economic calculations, it was found that a PV power plant where dust has not removed for one year will cause 12% loss of power generation. 近年来,太阳能光伏技术被认为是解决世界能源危机的主要途径之一。光伏电站一般建在沙漠、荒地等开阔地区,四周无建筑遮挡,光伏表面非常容易受天气影响而被灰尘覆盖,发电效率也受到影响。研究首先阐述了灰尘对光伏发电造成影响的三个因素,遮挡效应、温度效应和腐蚀效应,在此基础上建立了粉灰尘沉积状态下光伏表面的热平衡方程,并提出了一种可行的光伏电池效率评价方法。最后通过现场测试,发现随着灰尘沉积密度的增大,短路电流和开路电压均减小。且在光伏积尘初期,灰尘对光伏发电的输出性能影响最大。当灰尘沉积密度为10 g/m2时,光伏最大功率降低了约34%。此外,灰尘沉积密度与光伏转换效率具有良好的非线性关系。随着灰尘沉积密度的逐渐增大,光伏转换效率逐渐降低。当灰尘沉积密度增大到一定程度时,光伏转换效率趋于稳定。最后,通过经济性分析,发现定期清洗光伏板具有显著的经济效益。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1195-1204.
    The building sector accounts for more than 40% of the global energy consumption. This consumption may be lowered by reducing building energy requirements and using renewable energy in building energy supply systems. Solar air-conditioning systems (SACS) are a promising solution for the reduction of conventional energy in buildings. The storage, especially the cold storage, plays an important role in SACS for unstable solar irradiation. In this paper, we took the absorption refrigerating unit as an example, and the solar air-conditioning system of an office building in Beijing was simulated. The accuracy of this model was verified by comparing with the SACS operation data. Moreover, based on the simulation data, the cold storage capacity of the solar air-conditioning system in different climatic regions was studied. The cold storage capacities of SACS in 20 cities distributed in different climate regions were studied systematically. The results simulated by our proposed model will be beneficial to the SACS design, and will enlarge the application of SACS. 建筑业能耗占全球总能耗的40%以上。通过减少建筑本身的负荷需求和在建筑供能系统中使用可再生能源的方式可以降低这部分能耗。太阳能空调系统(Solar air-conditioning system 以下简称SACS)是一种用于减少建筑行业常规能源应用的有效方法。为了解决太阳能的不稳定性,SACS蓄能部分,尤其是蓄冷装置是十分重要的。在本文中,作者以北京某办公建筑的太阳能空调系统为例,对系统进行了模拟分析。通过与实测数据对比,模型的准确性得到了很好地验证。基于模拟模型,对不同气候区太阳能空调蓄冷装置的蓄冷量进行了分析,并系统的对不同气候区的20个城市SACS系统的制冷能力进行了详细地研究。我们的计算结果将有利于辅助SACS在中国各地设计与推广。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1205-1211.
    Two high concentrating solar systems have been established with dish concentrator and plane-mirrors array concentrator. In the paper, the thermal performance has been experimentally studied with jet water cooling device and flat microchannel water-cooled device. The experimental results show that the maximum surface temperature difference of the dish concentrating system is greater than 20°C, while the plane-mirrors array system is lower than 4°C. It indicates that the plane-mirrors array concentrator has better uniformity. As the concentration ratio increases, the electrical efficiency of the concentrating photovoltaic system gradually decreases. When the concentration ratio is 200, the electrical efficiency of the photovoltaic system is 25%. The concentration ratio of 500 times or less is considered to be a suitable value, and then the electrical efficiency can still exceed 20%. It is found that the plane-mirrors array solar system is more suitable for the photovoltaic system than dish type system, which is only suitable for thermal power generation system. 本文提出并搭建了多碟共焦高倍聚光系统和平面镜阵列高倍聚光系统,突破了传统单碟聚光系统的不均匀性问题。多碟共焦系统采用喷射式水冷换热结构,而平面镜阵列系统采用微通道式换热结构。在户外实验测试过程中,通过红外热像仪和温度场分布研究表明多碟共焦系统表明温差超过20°C,而平面镜阵列系统表明温度不超过4°C。平面镜阵列系统的均匀性得到了很好的保障,能够适用于高倍聚光光伏热电联供系统,且系统电效率能达到25%,热效率高于45%;而多碟共焦系统虽然不适合高倍聚光光伏发电系统,但也可应用于高倍聚光热利用系统。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1212-1220.
    This paper briefly analyzed some problems and limitations of existing evaluation indicators for distributed energy system performance. Based on the diversity and difference of the energy form and grade of cooling, heating and power in the distributed combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) system, this paper proposed three-index evaluation system composed of key indicators including relative energy saving rate, exergy efficiency and thermoelectric ratio. In order to further prove the reasonableness and scientificity of the evaluation index system applied in performance evaluation of distributed CCHP system, it enumerated, calculated, and evaluated the energy conservation of three engineering cases. The evaluation results showed that the high energy-saving rate of the system did not mean good energy-saving, but also the efficiency of the system should be examined. Only when the energy saving rate and exergy efficiency were both high, can the energy saving performance of the system be demonstrated. When the energy-saving rate was high and the efficiency was not high, it is shown that the energy-saving of the system had great room for improvement. 本文简要分析了现有分布式能源系统性能评价指标的优缺点。针对分布式冷热电联供(CCHP)系统中输出冷、热、电多样性的能源形式,提出了由热电比、相对节能率和㶲效率三关键指标组成的指标体系。为了进一步证明该评价指标体系在分布式热电联产系统性能评价中的合理性和科学性,列举计算和评价了三个典型工程案例的节能性能。评价结果表明,系统的节能率高并不意味着节能性好,还应考察系统的㶲效率。只有节能率和㶲效率都高的情况下,才能表明系统的节能性好。当节能率高而㶲效率不高时,表明该系统的节能性有很大的提升空间。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(6): 1221-1235.
    Distributed energy systems are considered as a promising technology for sustainable development and have become a popular research topic in the areas of building energy systems. This work presents a case study of optimizing an integrated distributed energy system consisting of combined heat and power (CHP), photovoltaics (PV), and electric and/or thermal energy storage for a hospital and large hotel buildings located in Texas and California. First, simulation models for all subsystems, which are developed individually, are integrated together according to a control strategy designed to satisfy both the electric and thermal energy requirements of a building. Subsequently, a multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) is employed to obtain an optimal design of each subsystem. The objectives of the optimization are to minimize the simple payback period (PBP) and maximize the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions (RCDE). Finally, the energy performance for the selected building types and locations are analyzed after the optimization. Results indicate that the proposed optimization method could be applied to determine an optimal design of distributed energy systems, which reaches a trade-off between the economic and environmental performance for different buildings. With the presented distributed energy system, a peak shaving in electricity of about 300 kW and a reduction in boiler fuel consumption of 610 kW could be attained for the hospital building located in California for a winter day. For the summer and transition seasons, electricity peak shaving of 800 kW and 600 kW could be achieved, respectively.