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  • Journal of Thermal Science. 0, (): 1-1.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 0, (): 607-633.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 0, (): 1-1.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(6): 1-1.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1-1.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1842-1858.
    随着工业技术的发展,微尺度传热越来越受到关注。本文以200 μm铂丝和150 μm镍铬丝为实验对象,以直流电源提供所需电流,实验工质为蒸馏水,观察微丝上的各种气泡行为并分析其加热机制。我们在200 μm铂丝上捕捉到了多种气泡附着现象,包括气泡脱离过程中的粘附、附着的小气泡在大气泡表面的旋转、多个气泡在同一气泡顶部盘旋以及不同的附着气泡脱离现象。需要指出的是,垂直方向的Marangoni力是触发气泡附着现象形成的重要因素。此外,还应考虑表面张力、附着力和浮力对气泡环绕的影响。对 150 μm 镍铬丝上的气泡扫荡进行分析可知,静态气泡会与另一侧的扫荡气泡相互作用,从而改变传热机制,这在之前没有详细讨论过。气泡表面垂直方向上的热毛细管是气泡射流现象产生的主要影响因素,它会改变气泡前面遇到的微层。本文还研究了气泡直径和液体过冷度对扫荡速度的影响,结果表明,气泡直径越大,所达到的扫荡速度越低,而液体过冷温度对扫荡气泡速度的影响较小。采用多孔介质燃烧技术实现煤矿低浓度瓦斯高效利用有助于节能环保。研究时设计了一种燃烧器与换热器耦合的自预热式双层多孔介质燃烧器,可循环利用燃烧烟气热量预热入口新鲜气体。其中,燃烧器上游和下游层分别填充了氧化锆小球和拉西环,并研究了在不同工况下拉西环尺寸对燃烧器内温度分布和污染物排放的影响规律。结果表明:预热作用对燃烧器内温度分布具有显著影响,且螺旋结构换热器的预热效果最佳,燃烧产生的污染物排放量较低。随着气体流速和当量比的增加,燃烧器内峰值温度明显升高。随着拉西环尺寸的增大,火焰温度先升高然后逐渐降低。同时,在10 mm拉西环填充的燃烧器内NOx和CO的排放量最低,且燃烧器内的整体温度较高。相关研究结果可为低浓度瓦斯利用的工程实践提供理论基础。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(4): 1444-1451.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(4): 1452-1467.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(6): 1-1.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(4): 1-1.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(4): 1076-1084.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(5): 948-961.
    As a huge reserve for potential energy, natural gas hydrates (NGHs) are attracting increasingly extra attentions, and a series of researches on gas recovery from NGHs sediments have been carried out. But the slow formation and dissociation kinetics of NGHs is a major bottleneck in the applications of NGHs technology. Previous studies have shown that nanobubbles, which formed from melt hydrates, have significant promotion effects on dissociation and reformation dynamics of gas hydrates. Nanobubbles can persist for a long time in liquids, disaccording with the standpoint of classical thermodynamic theories, thus they can participate in the hydrate process. Based on different types of hydrate systems (gas + water, gas +water +inhibitors/promoters, gas + water + hydrophilic/hydrophobic surface), the effects of nanobubble evolution on nucleation, dissociation, reformation process and “memory effect” of gas hydrates are discussed in this paper. Researches on the nanobubbles in hydrate process are also summarized and prospected in this study. 天然气水合物(NGHs)因作为一种储量巨大的矿藏资源而备受瞩目。围绕如何从NGHs沉积层中开采天然气,国内外学者展开了一系列理论与实验研究,但NGHS生成和分解的缓慢动力学过程是现有开采技术的主要瓶颈。前人的研究结果表明,水合物分解过程中产生的纳米气泡对天然气水合物的分解和再生成过程具有明显的促进作用。除此之外,不同于经典热力学理论的描述,纳米气泡可以在液体中长时间的稳定存在,由此,纳米气泡可以参与水合物后续的多个过程。本研究立足于不同类型的水合物系统(气体+水,气体+水+抑制剂/促进剂,气体+水+亲水/疏水表面),详细讨论了纳米气泡演化对气体水合物成核、分解和再生成过程的影响,并讨论了纳米气泡演化与气体水合物“记忆效应”的关系,对水合物体系内纳米气泡的应用及研究进行了总结和展望。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(4): 826-833.
    The droplet interacts intensively with surrounding gas when moving and evaporating in the gas, of which the mutual effects of the gas and the evaporating droplet need to be taken into account. For the typical droplet model, the gas parameters are usually considered as that at infinity and the local parameter variation surrounding the droplet is neglected, consequently leading to some discrepancies. This research tries to develop a new moving droplet phase change model with two-phase coupling which characterizes the local parameter variation of gas phase surrounding the evaporating droplet. Firstly, the interaction mechanism of two phases is presented based on the droplet evaporation phenomena. Then, the droplet motion and phase change model is developed through the theoretical derivation. Subsequently, the analysis of the evaporation characteristics of the injected droplets in the hot air is conducted to simulate the operation process of the containment spray system in the nuclear power station. The numerical simulation indicates the refined droplet model is more capable for precise prediction of the situations with large quantities of evaporating droplets and with intensive interactions between two phases.