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  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(5): 1803-1813.
    目前,环路热管(LHP)冷凝器的结构设计大多依靠经验,为了分析LHP内的冷凝流型,寻找更准确的经验关联式以更好地指导环路热管冷凝器设计,本文设计了一套观察冷凝器内冷凝现象和测量LHP传热性能的试验系统。对283 K冷凝器温度下丙烯LHP的运行参数进行了测量,同时对冷凝器内的冷凝过程进行了观察。实验结果表明,2.5 mm×2.5 mm冷凝通道内的冷凝流型主要有层状流、波状流和间歇流。将实验结果与四种典型的冷凝流型图进行了比较,发现Breber流型图和Cavallini流型图可以成功地预测大部分冷凝流型。另外,根据流型选取了四种冷凝换热关联式,将预测值与实验结果进行了比较,结果表明,Cavallini关联式预测值与实验值的偏差小于20%,该关联式可用于LHP冷凝器结构的精确设计。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(4): 1349-1362.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(2): 540-550.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2021, 30(2): 716-728.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1223-1241.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1355-1369.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2020, 29(5): 1370-1389.
    This work presents a new velocity search algorithm for designing a condenser of a 1200 MWe large-scale nuclear power plant situated in tropical region. For this, the condenser pressure was considered in the range of 7.5–15 kPa while its tube inner diameter was taken as 28 mm with 1 mm tube wall thickness. Both longitudinal and transverse condensers with multiple shell tanks and varied shell tank lengths from 8–14 m have been considered in this work. Three different tertiary coolant temperature rises were chosen as 4°C, 8°C and 12°C by considering tropical region average reservoir water temperature range of 28°C to 32°C during summer. Velocity of tertiary coolant was kept within 0.75–1.5 m/s to ensure sufficient turbulence to avoid erosion-corrosion of the tubes. Numerical simulation has been employed to obtain tube-side pressure drop and convection heat transfer coefficient directly from tertiary coolant inlet velocity using κ-ω turbulent flow model. A new iterative “velocity-search algorithm” has been developed that focuses on finding the correct tertiary coolant velocity instead of overall heat transfer coefficient. Results revealed that velocity-search algorithm yielded very close to the important physical and thermal parameters of condenser compared to the existing design data in large scale nuclear power plants. Velocity-search algorithm has given less number of condenser design physical parameters that meets the velocity acceptance criteria for longitudinal condenser compared to the transverse condenser. Finally, velocity-search algorithm is found to be more reliable, robust, and consistent for condenser design compared to the conventional design algorithm used in Log-Mean Temperature Difference method.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(5): 984-992.
    A method was presented for calculating the melting rate of ice crystals in different axial positions in a compressor. The volume of fluid model and enthalpy-porosity model were used to simulate the melting process of single ice crystal. The result was validated by experimental data from literature. The change of the liquid fraction of the ice crystals with the axial position was obtained when the temperature distribution inside the compressor was introduced into the melting process. The liquid fraction of the spherical ice crystals was fitted with the ice crystal diameter as a variable, and the general distribution function for computing liquid fraction in any axial position in the compressor was obtained. The function of axial position as a variable for non-spherical ice crystal was also got. 提出了一种压气机内不同轴向位置冰晶融化速率的计算方法。采用有限体积法和多孔焓模型模拟了单个冰晶的融化过程,并且与文献中实验结果进行了对比,验证了方法的可靠性。将温度沿轴向的分布引入,得到了压气机内沿轴向位置冰晶融化的液相分数变化。对球形冰晶结果进行拟合,得到了冰晶液相分数和直径的函数关系式,进一步得到了以冰晶直径和轴向位置为变量的通用函数关系式。同时得到了非球形冰晶的轴向位置与液相分数之间的关系。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(5): 993-1003.
    Ambient wind has an unfavourable impact on air-cooled steam condenser (ACSC) performance. A new measure to improve ACSC performance is proposed by setting a diffusion type guide vane cascade beneath the ACSC platform. The numerical models are developed to illustrate the effects of diffusion type guide vane cascade on ACSC performance. The simulation results show that this vane cascade can cause the increases in coolant flows across almost all fans due to its diffusion function and lower flow resistance. Meanwhile, the guide vane cascade also decreases the fan inlet temperatures because of the uniform flow field around the condenser cells. Comparing with the case without guide device, the overall heat transfer efficiency is increased by 11.2% for guide vane cascade case under the condition of 9 m/s. The heat transfer efficiency firstly enhances and then decreases with decreasing stagger angle of guide vane under a certain wind speed. The optimum stagger angle corresponding to the maximum heat transfer efficiency is about 65.5°. The heat transfer efficiency always enhances as increasing vane cascade height, and a vane cascade with 20 m to 30 m height may be suitable to the ACSC as considering the cost. 环境风对空冷凝汽器的性能具有不利的影响。为了提高空冷凝汽器的性能,提出了一种安装在空冷平台下方的扩压导流叶栅。基于数值模拟方法,研究了扩压导流叶栅对空冷凝汽器性能的影响。结果表明,由于该型叶栅的扩压性能及较低的流动阻力,提高了几乎所有空冷单元的冷却空气流量。同时,该型叶栅使得空冷单元进口处的流场更加均匀。在9m/s风速下,加装扩压导流叶栅可以使空冷凝汽器的换热效率提高11.2%。随着导流叶栅安装角的减小,空冷凝汽器的换热效率先增大后下降,最佳的安装角为65.5°。随着叶栅高度的增加,换热效率一直升高;考虑到成本,最合适的叶栅高度为20~30m。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(5): 1001-1014.
    The air conditioning (AC) system of electric vehicles (EVs) consumes a large part of electricity of on-board batteries and influences the continue voyage course seriously. The feasibility of sorption type AC for EVs has been verified theoretically to decrease this part of energy consumption. However, the choice of optimal working pairs based on local working conditions is not considered before, which can realize not only high efficiency but also the steady and reliable operation. Thus in this paper, different solid sorption working pairs used in sorption type AC under different temperature zones are studied. We utilized Rubotherm balance test unit to study the sorption properties of various working pairs (halide-ammonia) and selected candidate working pairs by Clapeyron equation and energy analysis. Results show that MnCl2 is the only choice for cold temperate zone (CTZ) and CaCl2 is optimal for warm temperate zone (WTZ), while the mixed double halide (MnCl2 and CaCl2) is recommended in other zones. In middle temperate zone (MTZ), the probability for performance dropping down is relatively large, thus the ratio (CaCl2:MnCl2) is recommended as 0.33–1 to take advantage of the stability property of MnCl2. While in Qinghai-Tibet plateau cold area (QTPCA, the special temperature zone in China), the ratio is chosen as 2–3 because only under the limiting condition reaction is invalid. Because the continued high environmental temperaturewill increase the probability of limiting condition, ratio of subtropical zone (STZ) is still selected as 2–3 while that of tropical Zone (TZ) is 1–2. Taking WTZ under summer condition as example, by using sorption type AC with CaCl2 as sorbent, the increment voyage course (IVC) over the practical voyage course with conventional compression AC system (PVC) ranges from 9.4% to 37.7% for different type of EVs, i.e. the continue voyage course is increased effectively. This work provides the guidance for choosing optimal working pairs for actual utilization. 电动汽车空调(AC)系统消耗蓄电池的大量电能,严重影响着续航里程。为了降低这部分能耗,前人已经从理论上验证了用于电动车的吸附式空调系统的可行性。然而,以前没有考虑过基于当地工况的最佳工质对的选择,这不仅可以实现高效率,而且可以实现稳定可靠的运行。因此,本文研究了吸附式空调在不同温度区的不同吸附工质对的性能。利用 Rubotherm 平衡试验装置研究了不同工质对(卤化物-氨)的吸附性能,并通过克拉珀龙方程和能量分析选择了各自工况下的最佳工质对。结果表明,氯化锰是冷温带(CTZ)的唯一选择,氯化钙是暖温带(WTZ)的最佳选择,而混合双卤化物(氯化锰和氯化钙)推荐在其他地区使用。在中温带地区(MTZ),性能下降的概率相对较大,因此,为了充分利用 MnCl2 的稳定性,建议将比值(CaCl2:MnCl2)定为0.33~1。在青藏高原寒冷地区(我国的特殊温度区,QTPAC),由于只有在限制条件下,Ca4-8 是无效的,所以选择的比例为 2~3。由于持续较高的环境温度会增加限制工况出现的概率,因此亚热带(STZ)的比值推荐为 2~3 ,热带(TZ)的比值为 1~2。以夏季暖温带为例,对不同类型的电动汽车,采用以氯化钙为吸附剂的吸附式空调系统,比常规压缩式空调系统的实际续航里程增幅在 9.4%到 37.7%之间。这项工作为实际应用中选择最佳工质对提供了指导。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(5): 1015-1023.
    Closed wet cooling towers (CWCTs) are used widely because of their better water quality and smaller water consumption. However, the operating parameters shown in the technical documents are only for rated conditions in summer, not for any other conditions, especially in low air wet-bulb temperature areas such as those near 0°C. In addition, CWCTs often fail to achieve the designed cooling effect at low air wet-bulb temperatures. A experiment set of CWCT was built, and the performance of the CWCT at low air wet-bulb temperature near 0°C was investigated. The impact of the operating parameters (air flow rate, cooling water flow rate, and spray water flow rate) on the heat and mass transfer performance of the CWCT was measured and analyzed. The results show the cooling performance of the CWCT at an air wet-bulb temperature 0°C, 2°C, and 4°C is about 47%–63% of the rated operating condition; the optimal operating parameters of these conditions for the CWCT are just the same as those of the rated operating condition in summer. According to the experimental results, some operating advices are given. 闭式湿式冷却塔作为在民用、工业上广泛应用的冷却设备,具有水质好、水耗少的优点。经发现,冷却塔技术样本一般只提供冷却塔的夏季额定运行参数,并没有解释其他的气象条件特别是低湿球温度条件下冷却塔的性能。而在低湿球温度条件下,冷却塔的性能总是低于额定工况的设计性能的。鉴于在许多地区,如地中海沿岸、美国中南部和中国的长三角地区,一年中有较长的时间,湿球温度接近0℃,因此,本文开发出一组闭式湿塔模型,并通过一系列实验来研究在近0℃湿球温度条件下闭式湿式冷却塔的性能,同时也分析了冷却塔运行参数(风量、冷却水流量、喷淋水量)的改变对冷却塔性能的影响。研究发现,闭式湿塔在0℃, 2℃, 和 4℃湿球温度条件下的冷却性能分别约是同等运行参数条件夏季性能的47%~63%。而在低湿球温度条件下,闭式湿塔的最佳运行参数也恰好等同于夏季额定运行参数。另外,基于实验研究结果,提出了闭式湿塔在低湿球温度条件下的运行策略。
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(4): 695-704.
    In this study, a modified ejector-expansion refrigeration cycle (MERC) is proposed for applications in small refrigeration units. A vapor bypass circuit is introduced into the standard ejector expansion refrigeration cycle (ERC) for increasing the ejector pressure lift ratio, thereby lowering the compressor pressure ratio in the MERC. A mathematical model has been established to evaluate the performances of MERC. Analysis results indicate that since a two phase vapor-liquid stream is used to drive the ejector in the MERC, a larger ejector pressure lift ratio can be achieved. Thus, the compressor pressure ratio decreases by 21.1% and the discharge temperature reduces from 93.6°C to 82.1°C at the evaporating temperature of -55°C when the vapor quality of two phase vapor-liquid stream increases from 0 to 0.2. In addition, the results show that the higher ejector component efficiencies are effective to reduce the compressor pressure ratio and the discharge temperature. Actually, the discharge temperature reduces from 91.4°C to 82.1°C with the ejector component efficiencies increasing from 0.75 to 0.85 at the two phase stream vapor quality of 0.2. Overall, the proposed cycle is found to be feasible in lower evaporating temperature cases.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(4): 705-713.
    An auto-cascade absorption refrigeration (ACAR) system could achieve a −60°C refrigeration temperature by low-grade heat. For an ACAR system, its performance is mainly affected by energy and mass coupling of the auto-cascade processes. A novel ACAR system with double-absorber was proposed to get higher- efficient refrigeration as low as ‒60°C in this context, which used R23-R134a-DMF (N,N-Dimethylformamide) as its working fluids. Theoretical calculation and analyses were conducted under different working conditions. From the calculated results, the new system gained a COP value 20% higher than that of an ACAR system with single-absorber under the same generating, condensing, absorbing and refrigerating temperatures. Compositions of a refrigerant mixture showed key influences on energy and mass coupling of the auto-cascade processes, and an optimal composition of the mixed refrigerants was obtained for the new ACAR system. In addition, it was clearly found that absorbing processes of the new system had great effects on energy and mass coupling of the auto-cascade processes. Based on the difference of absorbing characteristics among R23, R134a and DMF, the absorbing processes were intensified under the different absorbing pressures. As a result, an optimal matching pressure was obtained for the new ACAR system. Energy and mass coupling of the auto-cascade processes were further optimized, and the highest COP value was obtained. The theoretical analyses showed that performance of the innovative ACAR system could be superior to that of an ACAR system with single-absorber at a refrigeration temperature from ‒55°C to ‒60°C.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(4): 714-726.
    Stirling-type pulse tube cryocoolers (SPTCs) working at liquid-helium temperatures are appealing in space applications because of their promising advantages such as high reliability, compactness, etc. Worldwide efforts have been put in to develop SPTCs operating at liquid-helium temperatures especially with helium-4 as the working fluid. Staged structure is essential to reach such low temperatures. Generally, both the regenerator of the last section and the pulse tube together with the phase shifter are precooled by its upper stage or by external cold source to a low temperature of around 20 K. However, the precooling effects on the regenerator and the pulse tube are synthetic in previous studies, and their independent effects have not been studied clearly. In this manuscript, the precooling effects on the regenerator and on the pulse tube together with the phase shifter are tested independently on a unique-designed precooled SPTC. The tested precooling temperature is between 13.3 K and 22 K, and the no-load refrigeration temperature gets down to 3.6 K. Further analyses and numerical calculations have been carried out. It is found that the influence on the regenerator is remarkable, which is different from previous conclusions. It is also found that the precooling effects on the pulse tube are relatively weak because of the large pressure-induced enthalpy flow of a real gas working at the temperatures near to the critical point. Furthermore, the phase shifting capacity is analyzed with two cases and with both helium-4 and helium-3 as working fluids, and it keeps quite constant after optimizing the frequency and the precooling temperature for each case. The investigation on these independent effects will provide valid reference on the precooling mechanism study of SPTCs working down to liquid-helium temperatures.
  • Journal of Thermal Science. 2019, 28(4): 727-735.
    Ejector refrigeration has the advantage of low capital cost, simple design, reliable operation, long lifespan and almost no maintenance. The only weakness is the low efficiency and its intolerance to deviations from design operation condition. R134a used in ejector refrigeration system gives better performance in comparison with many other environmental friendly refrigerants as the generation temperature is from 75°C to 80°C. The present work experimentally investigated the on-design and off-design performance of the ejector with fixed geometry using R134a as refrigerant, and cycle performance of the ejector refrigeration system. The experimental prototype was constructed and the effects of primary flow inlet pressure, secondary flow inlet pressure and ejector back pressure on ejector performance and cycle performance were investigated respectively. The operation conditions are: primary flow inlet pressure from 2.2 MPa to 3.25 MPa, secondary flow inlet pressure from 0.36 MPa to 0.51 MPa, ejector back pressure from 0.45 MPa to 0.67 MPa. Conclusions were drawn from the experimental results, and the experimental data can be used for validation of theoretical model for both critical and subcritical mode.