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  • Vasanthaseelan SATHIYASEELAN, Savadamuthu LAKSHMANA GOWDER, Ravishankar SATHYAMURTHY
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(3): 1306-1319. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1757-3
    The costs of conventional fuels are rising on a daily basis as a result of technical limits, a misallocation of resources between demand and supply, and a shortage of conventional fuel. The use of crude oil contributes to increased environmental contamination, and as a result, there is a pressing need to investigate alternate fuel sources for car applications. Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that is derived chemically by reacting with the sources of biodiesel. The present research is based on analyzing the effect of fish oil biodiesel-ethanol blend in variable compression engine for variable compression ratio (VCR). The processed fish oil was procured and subjected to a transesterification process to convert fatty acids into methyl esters. The obtained methyl esters (biodiesel) were blended with ethanol and diesel to obtain a ternary blend. The ternary blend was tested for its stability, and a stable blend was obtained and tested in VCR engines for its performance, combustion, and emission characteristics. In the second phase, experiments are conducted in the diesel engine by fueling the fish oil methyl ester and ethanol blended with diesel fuel in the concentration of 92.5 vol% of Diesel+7.5 vol% of Fish oil+1.25 vol% ethanol, 92.5 vol% of Diesel+7.5 vol% of Fish oil+5 vol% ethanol, 87.5 vol% of Diesel+12.5 vol% of Fish oil+1.25 vol% ethanol, 87.5 vol% of Diesel+12.5 vol% of Fish oil+5 vol% ethanol, 82.5 vol% of Diesel+17.5 vol% of Fish oil+1.25 vol% ethanol, 82.5 vol% of Diesel+17.5 vol% of Fish oil+ 5 vol% ethanol to find out the performance parameters and emissions. Because the alternative fuel performs better in terms of engine performance and pollution management, the percentage chosen is considered the best mix. The results showed that the use of a lower concentration of ethanol in the fish oil biodiesel blend improved the engine thermal efficiency by 5.23% at a higher compression ratio. Similarly, the engine operated with a higher compression ratio reduced the formation of HC and CO emissions, whereas the NOx and CO2 emissions increased with an increased proportion of biodiesel in diesel and ethanol blends.
  • HASSAN Alamir H., WANG Xueye, LIAO Zhirong, XU Chao
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(6): 1989-2007. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1767-1
    质子交换膜电解池 (PEMEC) 具有纯度高、功耗低特点,是一种极具发展前景的制氢技术。本文基于计算流体力学和有限元方法,利用三维非等温模型计算 PEMEC 性能,并研究膜/催化剂 (MEM/CL) 界面处电流密度、物质浓度和温度分布规律。此外,还研究了不同操作条件和不同设计参数对极化曲线、电能需求和电池效率的影响机制。研究结果表明,电流密度、氢浓度、氧浓度和温度的最大值位于中心肋下方并沿着出口的方向增加,而水浓度的最高值则位于通道下方并沿着出口方向减小。研究发现气体扩散层 (GDL) 厚度的增加有利于 MEM/CL 界面非均匀分布的减小。还发现将工作温度从 323 K 提高到 363 K ,可以降低电池电压和能量消耗。氢离子扩散随着阴极压力的增加而降低,这将增加能量消耗并降低电池效率。此外,增加 GDL 和膜的厚度会增加能量消耗并降低电效率,然而增加 GDL 孔隙率会降低电能需求并提高电池效率,因此建议使用薄的膜和孔隙率大的GDL。
  • LI Shikun, LIU Bin, JIA Xiao, XU Min, ZONG Ruoyu, LIU Guohua, HUAI Xiulan
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(4): 1569-1582. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1827-6
  • ZHOU Jinzhi, JI Wenhui, CAO Xiaoling, HE Wei, FAN Jianhua, YUAN Yanping
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(2): 542-596. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1749-3
  • 燃烧和反应
    WANG Chao, SONG Guoliang, CHEN Rui, JIANG Yu, LYU Qinggang
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(5): 1858-1867. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1856-1
    循环流化床后燃技术能在燃料燃烧过程中大幅降低NOX排放,并且在燃烧神木煤时成功地实现了超低NOX排放。为开发后燃技术下NOX和SO2协同脱除潜力,在带有后燃室的0.1 MWth循环流化床小试试验台上进行了试验,本文主要关注了后燃下空气分配比,温度和添加石灰石对NOX和SO2排放的影响。试验结果表明,与常规循环流化床燃烧相比,后燃技术能够大幅降低NOX排放,但导致SO2略微升高。后燃下较高的SO2排放也是低NOX排放的一个原因。随着λCFB减少,NOX排放先减少后增加,SO2排放变化趋势与之相反。后燃下λCFB为0.9时,NOX排放最低,而SO2排放最高。与常规循环流化床燃烧相比,后燃下提高燃烧温度和添加石灰石对NOX排放的不利影响较小。炉内喷钙脱硫技术在后燃技术下是可行的,其脱硫效率与常规循环流化床燃烧下脱硫效率相当。
  • MUHAMMAD Waqas, WU Lingnan, El KASMI Achraf, MUHAMMAD Ammar, TIAN Zhenyu
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(2): 531-541. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1783-1
    薄膜型催化剂是一种具有应用前景的催化剂,具有节约原料,低成本高效的特点。使用一步法制备了一系列具有不同Fe含量的CuFeOx薄膜催化剂,并测试了空速185,000 mL g-1 h-1下甲烷对 N2O 的催化还原特性。通过XRD、EDX 和 XPS表征发现铁含量的增加会显著影响分散性,并生成活性较低的偏析Fe2O3相,研究结果表明,Cu和Fe之间的协同作用在许多维度影响了CuFeOx薄膜催化剂的特征,如空心结构、比表面积、纳米微晶尺寸、催化剂表面Cu+、Fe3+、氧的含量,表面的还原程度和强活性位点。采用 DFT 计算,研究了 N2O在CuFeO2 (012) 表面模型上的吸附和分解过程。表面Fe位点和空心位点对N2O分解具有活性,N2O在Fe位点和空心位点的分解能垒在0 K时分别为1.02 eV和1.25 eV。本文提出的通过掺杂氧化铁调控催化剂活性的方法可以为改进CH4催化还原N2O效果提供一种可能的途径。
  • SHI Yaolu, SUN Jie, WEI Jinjia
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(2): 597-610. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1760-8
  • YANG Qiyao, QI Xiaobin, LYU Qinggang, ZHU Zhiping
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(4): 1710-1720. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1822-y
    气化飞灰是煤气化过程产生的固体废弃物,出于环保要求和资源化利用,亟需对其进行有效处置。为进一步明确气化飞灰资源化利用可能,详细分析了十种循环流化床煤气化飞灰的理化特性。结果表明,气化飞灰普遍具有零水、超低挥发分(0.90%-9.76%)、高碳(37.89%-81.62%)和超细粒径(d50=15.8-46.2 μm)等物性特征。受益于温和气化条件,循环流化床气化过程对固体原料表现出活化作用,气化飞灰的孔隙结构较为发达(SBET=139-518 m2/g),具有疏松多孔的结构特征,部分气化飞灰已具备直接作为多孔碳材料使用的基本条件。气化飞灰具有丰富的无定形碳结构,反应活性良好,具备通过活化进一步改善孔隙结构的潜能。气化飞灰的反应活性和孔隙结构与煤阶密切相关。通常,煤阶越高,气化飞灰的反应活性越差,微孔结构越发达。本研究指明了循环流化床煤气化飞灰在制备多孔碳材料方面的物性优势。
  • TIAN Zhenyu, TIAN Dongxu, JIN Kairu, CHNE Jintao, JIN Zhihao, LI Wang, DU Lijun, YANG Jiuzhong
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(2): 866-880. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1748-4
    Oxidation of acetylene (C2H2) has been investigated in a high-pressure jet-stirred reactor (HP-JSR) with equivalence ratios Φ=0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 in the temperature range of 650 K–900 K at 1.2 MPa. 18 products and intermediates were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Generally, with Φ increasing, the production of intermediates increases significantly. CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C3H6 and C3H8 were important intermediates, which were formed abundantly at Φ=3.0. Sufficient light hydrocarbon intermediates could be an important reason for significant formation of cyclopentadiene, benzene, toluene and styrene at Φ=3.0. A detailed kinetic mechanism consisting of 299 species and 2041 reactions has been developed with reasonable predictions against the present data and previous results obtained at 0.1 MPa. According to flux and sensitivity analysis, H and OH radicals play important roles in the consumption of C2H2. The combinations among light hydrocarbons and their free radicals are the main generation pathways of aromatics. C3H3, IC4H5 and AC3H5 are important precursors for the formation of aromatics. By comparing the results of atmospheric pressure and high pressure, it can be found that increasing the pressure is conducive to fuel consumption and aromatics generation.
  • DAI Zhaofeng, SHE Xiaohui, WANG Chen, DING Yulong, ZHANG Xiaosong, ZHAO Dongliang
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(3): 1063-1073. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1801-3
  • ZHU Liutao, DAI Zhaofeng, GAO Yuanzhi, WU Dongxu, WANG Changling, ZHAO Dongliang, SHE Xiaohui, DING Yulong, ZHANG Xiaosong
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(6): 2115-2125. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1867-y
    作为一种热效应制冷技术,压卡制冷技术正日益受到关注。据相关文献报道,新戊二醇(NPG)具有巨大的压卡效应,是一种极具潜力的压卡材料。然而,固-固相变温度高和导热率低限制了NPG在压卡制冷中的应用。本研究降低了NPG的固-固相变温度,并在此基础上提高了基于NPG压卡材料的导热率。首先制备了三羟甲基丙烷(TMP)质量分数为20%的NPG/TMP二元体系,该二元体系的固-固相变温度为283.15K。随后在该二元体系中加入石墨烯以提高热导率,最终确定了石墨烯最佳添加质量分数为5%。该复合材料的导热率达到了0.4 W/(m·K),相比于二元体系提高了110%。为了预测导热率提升对压卡制冷循环中“取冷”过程的影响,本文建立了相关数值模型并进行模拟计算。结果表明,石墨烯质量分数为5%的复合材料作为压卡材料时压卡热制冷循环的“取冷”时间比二元体系作为压卡材料时缩短了50%。
  • CHEN Hanming, WANG Jingyi, XU Xinhai
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(6): 1973-1988. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1772-4
  • 燃烧和反应
    CAO Dingshan, LUO Cong, CAI Guoqiu, LUO Tong, WU Fan, LI Xiaoshan, ZHENG Ying, ZHANG Liqi
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(5): 1935-1944. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1849-0
  • WANG Can, YUE Zongyu, ZHAO Yuanyuan, YE Ying, LIU Xinlei, LIU Haifeng
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(3): 933-946. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1796-9
    未来的高功率密度发动机需要高的进气增压。然而,现有研究中关于增压对发动机混合、燃烧和排放的影响的结论并不一致。本文研究了低、中、高负荷下进气压力为100~400 kPa时的混合、燃烧和排放特性。结果表明,进气压力的增加有利于空气卷吸的增强,但空气利用率降低,因此需要优化喷射压力以有效改善混合。对于100 kPa的进气压力,平均化学反应路径是低温反应路径,而较高进气压力下的反应路径主要是高温热解。对于碳烟排放,当当量比低于0.175时,气缸中的氧气充足,因此温度降低的影响更显著,这导致碳烟排放随着进气压力的增加而增加。否则,增加氧气浓度的影响更为显著,因此碳烟相应减少。当缸内温度峰值低于1800 K时,氧浓度的增加影响更为显著,因此NOx排放量随进气压力的增加而增加。否则,NOx排放规律与温度变化一致。
  • Zahir U. AHMED, Yasir M. AL-ABDELI
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(2): 662-679. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1740-z
    Infrared thermography, velocity and impingement pressure measurements alongside numerical modelling are used in this study to resolve (heated) surface temperature distributions of turbulent swirling impinging jets for two Reynolds numbers (Re=11 600 and 24 600). Whilst building upon earlier discoveries for this same geometry, this paper provides three new contributions: (1) identifying the role of impingement distance (H/D) as a deciding factor in the trade-off between more efficient heat transfer (at high swirl numbers) and achieving better substrate temperature uniformity (lower gradients), (2) developing correlations to predict Nusselt number for swirling and non-swirling cooling jets, and (3) predicting the underlying mixing field in these jets and its interplay with the thermal distributions resolved.
    Results indicate substrate temperature uniformity varies based on H/D and swirl intensity (S) with a significant level of thermal non-uniformity occurring in near-field impingement (H/D=1) at stronger swirl (S=0.59 and 0.74). Four correlations describing the effects of S, Re, and H on the average heat transfer and stagnation heat transfer are developed and yield accuracies of 8% and 12%, respectively. Flow recirculation near the impingement surface is predicted at H/D=1 for stronger swirl jets which disappears at other substrate distances. The peak wall shear stress reduces and the flow impingement becomes radially wider at higher H/D and S. Stronger turbulence or eddy viscosity regions for non-swirling jets (S=0) are predicted in the shear layer and entrainment regions at  H/D=1, but such turbulence is confined to the impingement and wall jet regions for strongly swirling flows.
  • YAO Shouguang, ZUO Min, HUANG Xinyu
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(6): 2048-2064. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1795-x
  • 燃烧和反应
    WEI Xutao, WANG Jinhua, ZHANG Meng, HUANG Zuohua
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(1): 488-501. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-022-1758-7
  • DU Sheng, ZHANG Quan, LING Li, ZOU Sikai, LIU Lijun, MENG Fanxi
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(4): 1536-1546. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1782-2
  • Mohammad Sadegh ABEDINEJAD
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(2): 837-853. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1724-z
    Spray evaporation of liquid fuels in a turbulent flow is a common process in various engineering applications such as combustion. Interactions between fuel droplets (discrete phase) and fluid flow (continuous phase) have a considerable effect on liquid fuel evaporation. In this paper, both the single- and two-phase modeling of liquid fuel injection into a model evaporating chamber are presented. The influences of important issues such as turbulence models, coupling between gas phase and droplets, secondary break-up and air swirling on the current spray simulation are investigated. Accordingly, the shear stress transport turbulence model, Taylor analogy break-up and two-way coupling models are applied to simulate the two-phase flow. Atomization and spray of fuel droplets in hot air are modeled employing an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. The current results show an acceptable agreement with the experiments. Adjacent the fuel atomizer, bigger droplets are detected near the spray edge and minor droplets are situated in the middle. With increasing the droplets axial position, the droplets diameter decreases with a finite slope. The smaller droplets have a deeper penetration, but their lifetime is smaller and they evaporate sooner. A linear relation between penetration and lifetime of smaller droplets is detected. Maximum droplet penetration and mean axial velocity of gas phase are observed for no air swirling case. The effect of variation of swirl number on the lifetime of droplets is almost negligible. By enhancing the swirl number, the uniformity of droplet size distribution is reduced and some large droplets are formed up in the domain.
  • Pinar Mert CUCE, Abhishek SAXENA, Erdem CUCE, Yusuf Nadir YILMAZ, Saboor SHAIK, GUO Shaopeng
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(4): 1657-1670. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-023-1807-x
    Solar air heaters are at the centre of interest owing to their widespread use for various purposes. In the study, thermal performance analysis of a solar air heater that can be easily produced from daily waste materials is done. The system has a low-cost structure with both waste material use and a simple design. The proposed system is tested under different climatic conditions, and the energetic and the exergetic performance figures are obtained for the first time in literature. It is observed from the experimental tests that the results are stable and coherent as well as in good accordance with the similar attempts in literature with some cost reductions and performance improvements. Thermodynamic performance analyses indicate that the maximum energy efficiency of the system is about 21%, whereas the exergy efficiency is 1.8%. The energetic and exergetic outputs of the system are also determined to be 27 W and 3 W, respectively, which is promising.