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  • 储能
    JI Zengcai, SONG Guoliang, TANG Zihua, SUN Liwei
    热科学学报. 2024, 33(4): 1554-1563. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-024-1902-7
    固体颗粒储热技术具有时空调节的特性,能够有效解决因可再生能源大比例接入电网造成的时间、空间和能量强度上的热能供给与需求不匹配而引起的问题,从而最大程度地确保电力系统的安全稳定运行。为了研究循环流化床储放热系统中固体颗粒的输运调节特性,设计搭建了0.1 MWth实验平台,系统的研究了以双U阀为进料控制阀,U型阀为返料控制阀的固体颗粒输运结构在不同配风方式下的输运调节特性。结果表明,该输运结构能够有效完成循环流化床内储热固体颗粒的高效快速储放,双U阀的松动风和两侧返料风共同影响储灰仓进料速率,在控制进料速率时,应采取松动风粗调,两侧返料风细调的调控策略。U型阀的松动风和返料风共同影响储灰仓的返料速率,在控制返料速率时,应采取U型阀的松动风粗调,返料风细调的调控策略。
  • 储能
    HU Shiwei, XU Weiqing, JIA Guanwei, CAI Maolin, LI Jidong, LU Yueke, REN Teng
    热科学学报. 2023, 32(1): 17-29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-022-1715-5
  • 储能
    TOLA Vittorio, MARCELLO Francesca Carolina, COCCO Daniele, CAU Giorgio
    热科学学报. 2022, 31(5): 1279-1292. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-022-1632-7
    The widespread diffusion of renewable energy sources calls for the development of high-capacity energy storage systems as the A-CAES (Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage) systems. In this framework, low temperature (100°C–200°C) A-CAES (LT-ACAES) systems can assume a key role, avoiding some critical issues connected to the operation of high temperature ones.
    In this paper, two different LT-ACAES configurations are proposed. The two configurations are characterized by the same turbomachines and compressed air storage section, while differ in the TES section and its integration with the turbomachinery. In particular, the first configuration includes two separated cycles: the working fluid (air) cycle and the heat transfer fluid (HTF) cycle. Several heat exchangers connect the two cycles allowing to recover thermal energy from the compressors and to heat the compressed air at the turbine inlet. Two different HTFs were considered: air (case A) and thermal oil (case B). The second configuration is composed of only one cycle, where the operating fluid and the HTF are the same (air) and the TES section is composed of three different packed-bed thermal storage tanks (case C). The tanks directly recover the heat from the compressors and heat the air at each turbine inlet, avoiding the use of heat exchangers.
    The LT-ACAES systems were modelled and simulated using the ASPEN-Plus and the MATLAB-Simulink environments. The main aim of this study was the detailed analysis of the reciprocal influence between the turbomachinery and the TES system; furthermore, the performance evaluation of each plant was carried out assuming both on-design and off-design operating conditions. Finally, the different configurations were compared through the main performance parameters, such as the round-trip efficiency.
    A total power output of around 10 MW was set, leading to a TES tank volume ranging between 500 and 700 m3. The second configuration with three TES systems appears to be the most promising in terms of round-trip efficiency since the energy produced during the discharging phase is greater. In particular, the round-trip efficiency of the LT-ACAES ranges between 0.566 (case A) to 0.674 (case C). Although the second configuration assures the highest performance, the effect of operating at very high pressures inside the tanks should be carefully evaluated in terms of overall costs.
  • 储能
    WANICZEK Sebastian, OCHMANN Jakub, BARTELA Łukasz, RULIK Sebastian, LUTYŃSKI Marcin, BRZUSZKIEWICZ Michał, KOŁODZIEJ Konrad, SMOLNIK Grzegorz, JURCZYK Michał, LIPKA Marian
    热科学学报. 2022, 31(5): 1302-1317. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-022-1593-x
    Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is one of the methods that can solve the problems with intermittency and unpredictability of renewable energy sources. A side effect of air compression is a fact that a large amount of heat is generated which is usually wasted. In the development of CAES systems, the main challenge, apart from finding suitable places for storing compressed air, is to store this heat of compression process so that it can be used for heating the air directed to the expander at the discharging stage. The paper presents the concept of a hybrid compressed air and thermal energy storage (HCATES) system, which may be a beneficial solution in the context of the two mentioned challenges. Our novel concept assumes placing the thermal energy storage (TES) system based on the use of solid storage material in the volume of the post-mining shaft forms a sealed air pressure reservoir. Implementation of proposed systems within heavily industrialized agglomerations is a potential pathway for the revitalization of post-mine areas. The potential of energy capacity of such systems for the Upper Silesian region could exceed the value of 10 GWh. In the paper, the main construction challenges related to this concept are shown. The issues related to the possibility of storing air under high pressure in the shaft from the view of the rock mass strength are discussed. The overall concept of the TES system installation solution in the shaft barrel is presented. The basic problems related to heat storage in the cylindrical TES system with a non-standard structure of high slenderness are also discussed. The numerical calculations were based on the results of experiments performed on a laboratory stand, the geometry of which is to reflect the construction of a TES tank in a post-mining shaft. The article presents the results of numerical analysis showing the basic aspects related to difficulties that may occur at the construction stage and during the operation of the proposed HCATES system. The paper focuses on the methodology for determining the energy and exergy efficiency of a section of a Thermal Energy Storage tank, and presents the differences in the performance of this tank depending on its geometric dimensions, which are determined by the different sizes of mine shafts.
  • 储能
    LAN Yingying, HUANG Congliang, GUO Chuwen
    热科学学报. 2022, 31(5): 1327-1336. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-022-1618-5
    为了提高太阳能蓄热系统的蓄热效率以及降低制造成本,迫切需要开发更先进的高温蓄热系统。 本文研究了以铜为基体和锡为相变材料(PCM)的两种典型相变体系,即锡颗粒嵌入铜基体形成的三维结构体系和锡线嵌入铜基体形成的二维结构体系。 由于纳米材料的热物性与宏观材料相比有很大的差异,因此,我们首先从理论上分析了PCM和基体的热物性,如通过动力学方法获得热导率以及基于林德曼判据推导比热容。 然后,利用这些特性分别对三维和二维结构系统的蓄热性能进行估算,并从理论上研究了三维和二维结构系统中结构对传热效率的影响。 结果表明,与二维结构体系相比,三维结构体系具有更大的比表面积、更大的比热容和更大的导热系数,是一种更好的选择。 当特征尺寸减小到锡的临界值(约500纳米)以下时,系统的导热系数呈指数衰减,而比热容呈线性增加。 此外,当锡的几何特征尺寸小于临界值(三维结构体系为15纳米, 二维结构体系为25纳米)时,铜基体无法起到提高整个体系有效热导率的作用。
  • 储能
    LIN Zhihua, ZUO Zhitao, LIANG Qi, HOU Hucan, GUO Wenbin, CHEN Haisheng
    热科学学报. 2022, 31(2): 273-284. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-022-1527-7
  • 储能
    热科学学报. 2021, 30(6): 1861-1874.
  • 储能
    热科学学报. 2021, 30(5): 1559-1571.
  • 储能
    LI Shuwei; WANG Hongqiang; FANG Juan
    热科学学报. 2020, 29(2): 280-297. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11630-020-1245-y